Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kristen Scego's discussion question

Why does Tom Sawyer have to make his plans so elaborate? Why is he trying to make things harder than they have to be? Explain.


ACC English 3 said...

Tom Sawyer makes his plans so eleborate because he wants an adventure, like in the books he reads. He wants to go down in history and look like a hero. But it really comes down to having fun. Tom is prolonging the escape just so he can have the adventure he always wants. He is a little selfish because he isn't really thinking about how Jim feels being locked up for several days while Tom is making the escape harder than it has to be.
-Emily Melz

ACC English 3 said...

Tom Sawyer makes his plans so elaborate because he is a mischevious kid who is always looking for an adventure. He wants the excape to be complicated so that it will be the talk of the town. I think that he wants to help Jim mostly for his own personal thrill.
-Jake Gaal

ACC English 3 said...

Tom Sawyer is a kid, and what kid doesn't want to go on adventure? Children don't usually think about things going on outside themselves, like what another is feeling (Jim), unless an adult has taught them to do so. All Tom wants is to have fun, and instead of just playing pretend, he is able to apply his games in real life. I am not saying this is right- in fact I think Tom's behavior is selfish and uncaring- but since he is a child, it is slightly more understandable.
-Carlye Chaney

ACC English 3 said...

Tom Sawyer has a sense of adventure and wants to be like all the great heros and criminals that he has read about in book and seen acted out and what not. Not only does Tom want some amazing adventure but it seems like its always first nature for him to one up Huck. It really bothers me that Huck bows down to Tom because Huck is better than him and he shouldn't be pushed around the way Tom does to him. It Ain't right.
- Kayla Swanson