Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jake's scribe notes from 4-10

Long, long, long ago in an English classroom far away…
Regan has started to present Scribe Notes right after we talked about whether or not torturing people was okay. Her scribe notes mostly consisted of prom, girls in the class, and all the things she saw that day. Everyone clapped at her overachieving because she wrote her scribe notes in a poem. It was honestly good, but it is going to make me look bad. Jimmy was given a poem for a quiz that we have today because he was sick on Tuesday. Jack and Brett where talking in the back while they were whipping me with their laptop cords. I was given many lacerations. All of the sudden Mary started complaining for good reasons over the poems that we were about to be assigned. Everybody ran up to the front of the board to get their poems. There was fighting and scratching up there. Jack and Brett threatened to kill me if I didn’t write anything about them. Kate flirted with Brett the whole class because she has a burning passion for him. Then she started writing all over my agenda like I cared because I haven’t used it all year. Then Brett, Jack, and I started making fun of Kate like we always do. Everybody hurried to find out how long their poems were hoping that it was a short one. Paige and Caitlyn were being stubborn in not letting Brett and I have "Chicago," the poem that we also wanted, so this made us really mad. I noticed everybody in the classroom was dying to get a little air circulation in the class. There was sweat dripping from everybody because of the intense heat from our dry and arid school. Then the whole class started talking about making Johnny’s life hell by giving him a bad poem. The whole class seemed to really enjoy discussing Johnny in his absence, and we got into pretty good detail about him. Kate seemed really interested in what Jack, Brett, and I were doing because we are really interesting and good looking people. The class ended and everybody hurried out. 

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