Sunday, April 14, 2013

Caitlyn's scribe notes 4-11

          Whose turn is it to do scribe notes? Catdaddy? Erica? Jack? Caitlyn? We read through Jake’s scribe notes and Mrs. Gill says something about always having an academic goal even though it may not seem like it. Remember: having the shortest poem gives you more problems…apparently. We found out that Johnny has a romantic heart and likes eyelash poems. We received a hefty packet which is our new “textbook.” Mary asked how many trees Mrs. Gill kills in a day and Abby asks if it is a small book. Samantha showed me her awesome St. Bernard socks…again. Mrs. Gill says she wants to get something done quick and dirty. We learned George Watsky is white and straight and writes about casseroles. High school teachers love us but college teachers don’t care if our grandmother dies multiple times. Mrs. Gill says something about finding new note taking strategies for college because we “might” get bored in an 80 minute speech. Aly gets to skip school but don’t worry the link is on edline. Julia and Kyle read the Mending wall which something about cows, pine cones, fences, and elves. Mary gives insight of what this is supposed to mean and Alex talks about countries. Bridget and Natalie keep whispering and giggling. Where Mrs. Gill grew up you she had to check that the fence didn’t wash away and let the cows out. Cows are expensive and when cows get hit by trucks, they would get sued. We take a quiz and check the clock again. Mrs. Gill shows us how to find the pattern in a poem by annunciating random words to a random beat. We are spending all of tomorrow on mending wall and hopefully mending our grades. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jake's scribe notes from 4-10

Long, long, long ago in an English classroom far away…
Regan has started to present Scribe Notes right after we talked about whether or not torturing people was okay. Her scribe notes mostly consisted of prom, girls in the class, and all the things she saw that day. Everyone clapped at her overachieving because she wrote her scribe notes in a poem. It was honestly good, but it is going to make me look bad. Jimmy was given a poem for a quiz that we have today because he was sick on Tuesday. Jack and Brett where talking in the back while they were whipping me with their laptop cords. I was given many lacerations. All of the sudden Mary started complaining for good reasons over the poems that we were about to be assigned. Everybody ran up to the front of the board to get their poems. There was fighting and scratching up there. Jack and Brett threatened to kill me if I didn’t write anything about them. Kate flirted with Brett the whole class because she has a burning passion for him. Then she started writing all over my agenda like I cared because I haven’t used it all year. Then Brett, Jack, and I started making fun of Kate like we always do. Everybody hurried to find out how long their poems were hoping that it was a short one. Paige and Caitlyn were being stubborn in not letting Brett and I have "Chicago," the poem that we also wanted, so this made us really mad. I noticed everybody in the classroom was dying to get a little air circulation in the class. There was sweat dripping from everybody because of the intense heat from our dry and arid school. Then the whole class started talking about making Johnny’s life hell by giving him a bad poem. The whole class seemed to really enjoy discussing Johnny in his absence, and we got into pretty good detail about him. Kate seemed really interested in what Jack, Brett, and I were doing because we are really interesting and good looking people. The class ended and everybody hurried out. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Regan Cole's scribe notes for 4-9

‘Twas the week after spring break and all through the school
Every English student was reading, for it was the rule
It was hot as heck in the west hall English room
But as ants crossed the floor, I searched for a broom

The students were nestled all snug in the desks
As some laid down their heads, for a much needed rest
 Natalie especially was ready for a nap
And Mrs. Gill didn’t notice, but I had my phone in my lap

Erica dug through her bag and pulled out a pen so bright and green
As Lauren passed around the stapler, we were told to read
Bridget annotated thoroughly, Julia tossed and turned
Aly balanced her papers, mentally making them burn

Johnny spaced out, staring blankly at the cross
We listened to Mrs. Gill as she read the words of Robert Frost
Jack tried to fix the stapler, but it was clearly broken
There was a coin on the floor, or could it have been a magical token

Mrs. Gill heard voices, calling Kate and Natalie out
What they were discussing, we all wondered about
English was the last class, and it surely seemed endless
But without Mrs. Gill on DyKnow, I could shop for a prom dress

Mary finished then recycled her tasty Sunny D
Mrs. Gill looked around, choosing to stare at me
Today the boys didn’t pass Pokémon cards around
But Aly again stared at the ground

Mrs. Gill announced “Laptops away, except for the scribe”
I don’t like this job and wouldn’t do it again for a bribe
“Let’s discuss the iambic contaminator and speech”
Yes, Mrs. Gill, please continue to teach

“We’re not gonna get through this, and we really need to”
Meter, Mrs. Gill, is only understood by a few
Aly and Julia mouthed across the room as Mrs. Gill stared
Sarah said she was hot; did she mean she was attractive? No one actually cared

Thank goodness we have Kate, who’s oh so excited
As I looked over the packet, I saw Mrs. Gill didn’t add a works cited
“Who says ‘my prom date is hot’ when speaking to their mother?”
But the idiom is different when speaking to a brother

Mrs. Gill used metaphors and symbolism to explain weird words
We marked ones we knew and ones we hadn’t heard
Julia’s hand flew high, waving around in space
Mrs. Gill ignored the question but looked right Julia’s face

Paradox, pentameter, connotation, oh my!
Ellie got up to leave early, and we all yelled “Goodbye!”
We were told we have problems understanding allusion
All we wondered was when this class would reach its conclusion

Eight lines, six lines, four lines, I don’t care
This blank verse poem gives me a blank stare
Aly suddenly was LOL-ing at nothing
Amanda looked confused, was I missing something?

We continued to talk about poems, including a sonnet
Remember that time Huck Finn wore a bonnet?
Personification, snarl and rattle
Annotating that poem seemed like a battle

We keep repeating the same old, boring lines
Why can’t we buy a prom ticket if we have unpaid fines?
Mrs. Gill asked questions, which we all ignored
Kyle probably would have answered, but he must have been too bored

Lauren and Rachel made faces at Mrs. Gill’s weird noises
I don’t blame them; our teacher’s sounds were odd choices
Next to be called on is Molly; she said the boy was really scared
Mrs. Gill keeps on talking, but it’s the last class so no one listened or cared

Patty Mac came to the door, looking for Ms. Cannon and Ms. Vogt
It was warm in the classroom, no need for a coat
Kate raised her hand with lots of questions
Other students added their answers and suggestions lied, saying papers were turned in late
With this test retake topic, who would win the debate?
“We’re here to learn” answered the cheerful Kate
But I just continued to snap chat my future prom date

Announcements finally came on, and we all stood for prayer
Ignoring Mrs. Patty Mac, oh we wouldn’t dare
It was a great class to have end the day
I’ve raised the scribe standards, from what I have to portray