Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Day in the Class with Mrs. Gill

by Timothy Smith

Journal- One Hat. (Thanks, Abby, for clarifying that it is not an actual hat but an aspect of personality)
Song- 10 Years – Fix Me
(During our journal Mrs. Gill learned how to take attendance without the class seeing it. Good Job!)
     Kayla- wrote about her hat of caretaking
     Katy- wrote about the stereotypical teenager
     Frankie- wrote about his being tall and the disadvantages and advantages
     Anne- wrote about her volunteer work at a barn
Mrs. Gill asked Marc to read his scribe notes that were from his “distracted mind”
Mrs. Gill had technical problems that were soon fixed
Mrs. Gill then stated that we should stop recording all of her mistakes
We talked about Frankie’s unchanging room
We turned in our papers via
While showing us how to reset our password on, Mrs. Gill reset her own password
Abby ran out of the room to go to the bathroom
Mrs. Gill gave us another paper… that we will start next week
Mrs. Gill told us about the connection between her daughter and the Harry Potter series
Mrs. Gill told us about the Literacy Memoir we are going to write; the directions are on Edline
Homework- do the 14 questions on Edline
Abby called Mrs. Gill she is the best teacher for letting her go to the bathroom

End of Class

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