Friday, November 18, 2011

Marcel the Shell with shoes on presents...

Hi! I’m Marcel the Shell with Shoes on,
Here’s a little introduction, to get to know me first.
There’s a teacher up there. Her name’s Mrs. Gill.
Guess what I use as a teacher. A Ladybug.
Will comes in late, he had an Art Emergency! The teacher takes it seriously. It’s an important matter. 
Guess what I use for a pencil. A broken piece of lead.
The teacher starts class with a prayer. Oh No! Katy spreads rumors that there will be no WORD BOX on the vocabulary quiz!
Guess where I go to school. In a potted plant.
Don’t worry though, there is a word box.
Mrs. Gill switches things up and gives the test at the beginning of the shortened, 43 minute class.
She throws a curve ball by giving us the test at the beginning of class, so we don’t take all 43 minutes of the shortened class to take the quiz.
Guess what I use as a ball. A piece of dust.
That’s my dog. He’s a piece of lint. You know what they say. “Lint is a shells’ best friend.”
Mrs. Gill forgets Hannah’s even in the class anymore. (which she isn’t, she’s sick) and Cody is missing as well.
One time I sniffed a fleck of pepper and I sneezed so hard I sneezed a hundred times a day for a month.
Maddie wants to wash the board, even though the messy board is her (and Kline-ye West’s) fault in the first place.
 (Maddie’s team won vocab word Pictionary on Wednesday)
Oh man, I’m so out of breath. I've talked so much! Could I get a drip of water please?

The test was relatively easy, although if you didn’t know your words, for all intensive purposes, yesterday was not your lucky day
Mrs. Gill learns her first lesson, to give the tests/quizzes at the beginning of class, as not to stress out her students even more.
When I get stressed, I work out. Wanna see me lift this?

No. I can’t, I can’t lift anything at all.
It’s relatively quiet, Libby keeps asking Anne physics questions. I don’t know why she asks her…she’s not much help
She’s my friend you know. We eat lettuce together sometimes. One time I nibbled on a piece of cheese and my cholesterol went up to 900.
Guess what I use as a helmet. A Pistachio.
The class keeps talking about the book The Scarlet Letter.
Guess what I use as a book. A book, but I get my exercise turning the pages.  
They talk about a man who was a sinner. He sounds like the kind of guy who wears a hat.
Guess what I wear as a hat. A lentil.
Ahh!! Everyone’s getting up! I guess it’s time to leave. Oh no! It’s an earthquake.
Bye! Goodbye!

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