Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kate Antor Scribe notes from 10-17

English class began today with a bit of chaos. Lots of small discussions were happening around the class. Once all was settled, Joe read his scribe notes from the previous Thursday after Mrs. Gill proclaims that students are making it more and more difficult to put their scribe notes on the blog, meaning they are going out of the box. Anyway, as usual, most students got a chuckle out of Joe’s creative work, which consisted of Joe, Frankie, Abby, Mrs. Gill, and the test as characters in a video game. Next, Kristen read her scribe notes from Friday, which was in the form of a newspaper article. Once they were finished, the class got into a heated discussion about music genres. Mrs. Gill admitted her liking for death metal; she states, “I could admire a good scream in the middle of a song.” But she explains that she basically enjoys all genres. Soon after and not surprisingly, the cardinals were brought up and a discussion was continued as Mrs. Gill prepared the journal for us. Ironically right after a test, the journal topic was “Cheating”; the prompt began with “I wasn’t really cheating. I was just…” You finish the sentence. We listened to “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz. Joe read and talked about the time that he and Marc got caught “cheating” on Spanish, but still to this day they are not positive if they were truly cheating. Kayla talked about how she used someone else’s PowerPoint in Tech class freshman year. Abby says that cheating can be a confidence booster just to make sure your answer is right, and when she and the other person get it wrong she “doesn’t feel like the only idiot in the world.” Frankie read and talked about getting caught by the cheating police and ending up in a hospital bed. We established that the fish are still alive…Finding Nemo was brought up. Sam suggested we get an octopus. Mrs. Gill talked about the synthesis essay and what is expected. Information possibly on edline? We printed source papers and talked with peers about the essay for the remainder of class, which we are writing on Wednesday. Have sources ready to write about on Wednesday.

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