Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Anne Donahue's Discussion Question

Do you think blacks and whites should be able to say the n-word? Why or why not? What are your views on the n-word or other racist, derogatory words?

1 comment:

ACC English 3 said...

A response by Chris Primo on 2-15-12:
I do believe that white people and African Americans should not be allowed to use the "n" word. This is because the use of the word has been around since the time of slavery before the Civil War. The use of this word only separates these races further away from each other as a result, only creating more racism against both races. Another reason why the "n" word shouldn't be allowed for both races to use is because the separation between races in America is over; everyone, regardless of age, race, or gender, is equal in America, and the use of this word only harms the equality that America has gained