Monday, February 6, 2012

Kristen Scego discussion questions

Why  do you think Clark, from "A Wagner Matinee" took his aunt Georgiana to the opra? What is the point of this story?


ACC English 3 said...

I think that Clark from "A Wagner Matinee" took his aunt to the opera so she could enjoy a muscial performance again. Since she had loved music so much before she moved to the country, he just thought she would like to hear good music again. I think that the point of this story is to appreciate what you have, and to realize that there are sacrifices in life.

ACC English 3 said...

This last comment was from Carlye Chaney

ACC English 3 said...

Lauren Corley- I think Clark wanted to take his aunt to the opera because she used to love music before she was married. I think the point is that even though you stopped loving something a long time, you can still find a way to love something again.

ACC English 3 said...

Michael Klein: Clark from “A Wagner Matinee” took Aunt Georgiana to the opera because he remembered her love of music and how she had to tear herself away from her life in the city with music to live in Nebraska with her husband. He knew that it would mean a lot to her and remind her of her past. I think the point of this story is to show how sacrifice is necessary to truly show love. Aunt Georgiana had to sacrifice the comfort of a familiar life to live with her husband, and that took a physical and mental toll on her.

ACC English 3 said...

Max Nutter: Clark took his Aunt Georgiana to an opera to bring her back to the years when she was in love with music. Georgiana had lived in isolation for so many years and, eventually, she lost sight of who she was and the music for which she was so passionate. Clark had a close relationship with her, pitied her weakened state and felt the need to help alleviate her pain in some way. The point of "A Wagner Matinee" is to respect the experience and knowledge of elder but also to embrace your passions and keep them as an important part of your life. Georgiana was respected by Clark for everything she had endured but she was also desperate to return to her passion, music.