Sunday, May 11, 2014

Keeping Up With Period 6 (Mackenzie's 5-7 Scribe Notes)

Mrs. Gill assigned me scribe notes for today but jokes on her because all I’m thinking about rn is Scotty McCreery

Jack’s scribe notes. As usual they are funny and cute

Jack spells Mere’s name Mer and Kory growls her name. SOS

To my right, Mere, Steve, and Adam chat

To my left, Matt threatens me and tells me not to make fun of him. He hits my laptop and I hit him. #sns

“A picture of Jesus where the snail used to be”

“Gill’s Gold”

10 mins in and Adam and Lucy haven’t started arguing yet??? I’m shocked

Chatter of the southern shadow fills the room. Nina thinks she’s an incoming freshman but it turns out she’s going to be a senior. A for effort

Adam complains about the quiz (typical)

*Adam’s high voice* “Taylor’s a guy.” We learn something new every day

We invite Sam to watch the Great Gatsby with us

Middle of our quiz and romantic music begins to play. G quickly turns it off

Taylor winks in this general direction. Not sure if it was for me or Matt so I ignore and play it cool. Not about to get caught up in a love triangle

Jack breathes. Love him

Jacob says something quietly to Matt. I ask him to repeat and they both say, “Stop.” #oh

Jack is drawing something on the back of his quiz. 70% sure it’s either a picture of me or Jacquelyn

Carrie and Shannon have matching headbands on

Mere concludes that none of our conversations can be scribed because they are either “mean, stupid, or will get us in a lot of trouble.” I don’t disagree

Jacob asks G for Kleenex and she finds a baby wipe and says, “Here, this will be very soft on your nose.” If you say so

1:25 and Shannon is still taking her quiz. “I have a lot to say.”

I look over at Jacob and he holds up a piece of paper with what I assumed to be a love note. Instead it says, “Stop looking at me,” and has a hand drawn with the middle finger flipping me off. THANKS JAKE

Adam says something inaudible and Amelia gives him a pity laugh

Carley is unusually quiet

True Love and Life isn’t Fair are two main themes of the Princess Bride

Westley is dead AF

Lucy thinks Buttercup is reasonable. Mere still thinks Buttercup is a horse so all other opinions are invalid

“Fight fight fight” –Voss

“I’ll cut you” –Matt

Class (mainly Taylor) gets in fight with Lucy but what’s new???

“Actions speak louder than words and he did some serious shit.” Wise words from Voss. Then he starts talking about cereal

G believes in true love. (Scotty?)

Nina and Kory chat about something I can’t hear. Throwback to when G asked if they were dating (they’re cousins G but nice try)

I realized Nina sits in her desk cross legged. How? I can’t even touch my toes

Jack makes eye contact with me. One step closer

Everyone talks at once and I can’t catch anything so I resort to a gossip sesh with Mere
Class ends with G kicking us out

Follow Up: After class, Mere and I finally figure out the Meramec joke, I tell Bianca about the Jacob situation, and she calls him her “spirit animal.”

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