Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jeff Seib's Period 2 Scribin'

This class was the first class of the day. Nothing was out of the ordinary; we said prayer before class, and people came up to me because they wanted someone to tie their tie. Because it was a late start and an all school mass, class only ended up being twenty- eight minutes long; so there is not much to write about. We did get “New members to the class”, four or five goldfish. The journal was “In my room: Remember a bedroom from your childhood. Focus on description”. At the end of the journal, no one raised their hand at first to share what they wrote. Mrs. Gill first picked on Jennifer to read her journal. She wrote about her room in detail, for example, the evolution of wall paper was talked about and then something about butterflies. Megan was next. She wrote about her green walls, cars, and animals. Then Michael was chosen and he talked about how he shared his room and had a bunk bed. After the journal, the class was reminded of the essay due tomorrow. Then the most recent scribes were read, and Mrs. Gill reminded us she still wants to be employed so I’m going to be writing bad stuff on my scribe. Next, we were handed our summer reading questions back, and most people I saw looked pretty satisfied with their grade. Lastly, we were told how good we looked in our dress uniform, and pretty soon after that the announcement came on that classes were going to be called to the gym so we had to pack up. The end.

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