Sunday, August 21, 2011

Plain Vanilla Scribing Example

Thursday and Friday, August 18 and 19, 2011

On Thursday, class was introduced with a Carly Simon's song, “Let the River Run,” and the opening credits from a 1980s films called Working Girl. The film clip showed the Statue of Liberty, along with many other iconic American images, including the crossing on a boat, the bringing together of many nations and cultures, and the New York City skyline, dominated by the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, which have taken on even more symbolic meaning in recent years. The song includes the lyrics, “Let the river run. Let every dreamer wake the nation. Come. The New Jerusalem,” indicating the United States’ place as a “promised land” for many who dream of a better life.

On Friday, after turning in summer reading questions and our learning styles inventories, we received an overview of the writer’s notebook and the scribing process. While we listened to Simon and Garfunkle’s “American Tune,” we responded to the journal prompt on one of our course questions: “What do Americans believe and value?” Three brave souls in each class section read their work aloud. Class was cut short for the first pep rally of the year.

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