Monday, August 29, 2011

Stream of consciousness: Joe Siegel, Ph.D, MD, ADHD, AM and FM

Class is starting. Frankie won’t stop talking about Portal 2. Tim’s putting on a hoodie. Why is he putting on a hoodie? It’s not that cold in here. He looks like a turtle…


Senior sunrise was successful. SUCCESS! (Final Fantasy IV victory fanfare)

Mrs. Gill may have had a stroke. She looks fine to me, but what do I know? NOTHING

It’s peanut butter journal time…I’d better get out my writing thingy. Hold on a sec

I could swear that song had something to do with conquistadores. Oh man, did I do my History homework? Oh wait I didn’t have any. Did I?… I’ll have to ask Marc. Oh no but he’s writing. What’s he writing? My God, how can he even read his own writing?!

Mrs. Gill is totally writing on the board. What’s she writing? She’s standing in front of it! Gaahh!

Someone’s reading. I don’t know her name. I think it’s Katherine or Kaitlyn or something. She’s reading about forgiveness! It’s not even a story, it’s just a….words.

ABBY. She’s reading in the third-person. She got flushed down a toilet, then apologized to her friends and her mom. Awww. She forgave some people. Yay! Hannah smiled at her. I wonder why? Is there somethin’ goin’ on thar?

Mrs. Gill’s going to take our journal! NO! My journal!!

Oh she’s taking them in groups. Thank God. I can make a replica before she steals it from me. I’ll put in in my vault.

Tim’s scribe notes. I almost spelled scribe scrivbe. Haha. Tim doesn’t know the title of the song. What’s he saying? Volunteer work at the barn. Marc’s scribe notes. What? Why is he reading about Marc’s scribe notes inside his? IT’S THE MATRIX!! RUN FOR IT!!

Abby said thank you for getting two mentions. Mrs. Gill is saying she dominated the class. Abby dominates the competition!! Yeahhhh….

We’re gonna do something QUICKLY!! Wait did she say we’d go outside?! YES! Oh man I don’t want to go outside it’s too hot.

We have to write down what Americans value. How am I supposed to know? I’m only one American. We’ll have to collaborate. It’s the only way.

FREEDOM. Apparently independence and freedom are the same thing. When was someone going to tell me about this?

BAHAHA did Marc just say food? What a genius. He’s on to something there.

Material comfort. Ahhhhh….

There’s so many things being written on the board. Respect, pride, comfort, family, TRUST! FRIENDS!! WHERE’S MCDONALD’S?!? In France? What?

Perseverance. Nice job Frankus

Will said Hypocrisy but he pronounced it like hippo-crissy.

Mrs. Gill talking about BIG things in a Japanese accent. Awesome.

Greed! Muhahahaha

Power. We’ve got the power….


We’re number one!

Pride. I’m not proud. I’m just the best. Ever.

Our country is sooo beautiful. Apparently people talk about it. Hey, we’ve got a beautiful, provident land. Cool.

Religion? Latin? Avada Kedavra!! You dead. Lay down because you dead.

Diversi-T. I spelled it wrong, I know, but I don’t really care. Do you? If you do then you have problems.

This word document is absolutely full of red squiggly underlines.

Time to write on the notecard.


Preferred editing partners? Obviously Mr. T, Marc

Marc listed 4 people. What? How stupid was that?! Apparently not very stupid at all Mrs. Gill thinks it’s a good idea. Don’t put a period there. It’s all one sentence!

Mrs. Gill put sunglasses on top of her head. Those are nice sunglasses.

She’s talking. Choose a partner, go outside? Play kickball? Kickball? Portal 2?

SHE HAZ A WHISTLE. When she be whistlin’, time’s up.

Aw maaaaan we can’t go into the woods. Maybe she’ll let Carlye and I run to Queenie Park. I’d probably have to stop though. I can’t run in these shoes! I’ll ask Carlye if she can run in her shoes. She says no. I’m off the hook!

Well she didn’t want to run there anyway, sooo…….

Sorry I was outside. I’m back now.

Frankie proclaimed that if I were to correct his papers, I would see his name on them and then just say it’s awful. Ha! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.


If you look at the speaker, the clock, and the digital clock, it looks like a skull face with a monocle.

I think class is almost over. I’m hungry.

Mrs. Gill said the class would take a drive sometime.

Marc and Tim are going to the football game. Haha! Of course they’re going! THEY’RE PLAYING!

The football game is not free. It should be.

All right class is over. I’m going to turn my brain off now.

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