Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Drew McAllister's Discussion Questions

Over the last couple of weeks we have talked a lot about ideas and controversies over the book, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. What do you think about these ideas?


ACC English 3 said...

Kelly O'Brien--I think these ideas make us question whether or not this novel is appropriate. I never considered whether Huckleberry Finn should be censored. After the debates, and learning about others views on the subject, I realize the novel causes a lot more tension than I expected. These ideas made me think whether or not I agree with the censoring of this book. They also make me think of whether or not it should be read by students because of its extended use of the "n" word.

ACC English 3 said...

I support the idea that we should be taught the book with the n-word in it. I feel that it is better to learn about the tough times of the past and to really get the feel of this we should be taught it with the controversy of the book with the n-word within it. It is important to confront these problems so we can learn about them and teach the future generations about the tough problems of the past so these problems do not repeat themselves.

ACC English 3 said...

previous comment posted by Michelle Silva

ACC English 3 said...

I think in the last couple of weeks and with the talk of reading or not reading Huckleberry Fin, I would say we should read it. It’s a classic novel by a very popular author and the novel has a lot of important lessons and themes that need to be taught. I agree that the “N” word is an inappropriate and should be considered vulgar language, although the teachers and students can look passed that and worry about the more important aspects of the book. The book teaches the reader what racism was like, therefor a word like that are going to be used because that’s what they said in those times.

Kristen Scego

ACC English 3 said...

Joseph Rogers- I think that the use of the n-word not be taken out of the book because it is like taking out an important part of history. I think that Mark Twain was making a point that that was how they talked back then and that was what black people where called. So I think that they should keep the n-word in there because if they don't I think that they are taking something out of history.

ACC English 3 said...

I do agree that these ideas and controversies are valid, however, I don't personally agree with one major point. This point is the removal of the n-word. The n-word should be kept in this book because it is a word that explains an important part of our American history and should not be taken out just because slavery is over.
-Emily Rosenstein

ACC English 3 said...

Marchetto-- Personally,I dont really think there is much controversy in this book because it was written in a different time than we live in today. I can see where people make the argument but I feel as though people forget how long ago it was written and that dialect was so much different than it is nowadays. I don't think that the word "nigger" should be exchanged with the word "slave" because it doesn't serve the same meaning or purpose. It is a reflection of our past and although it may not be a good one, it's still our past and we must not run away from it just because we're ashamed of it. People still use this word all the time and although I don't condone it, and I don't believe it is morally or scially acceptable, it is still something that people must learn to live with.