Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Emily Melz's Discussion Question

If Huck Finn is so controversial, why do you think schools bother to teach it at all?


ACC English 3 said...

Even though the book Huck Finn is very controversial I think that teachers today know that we should still learn about it. I think out of everybody, teachers will know what should be in schools and what not. I think that there a many reasons as to why it is taught. Even though Huck Finn has a lot of racism and irony I think teachers know that is all important to still remember. If we forget about how our nation used to be fill with racism how will we know that it is bad. If we just never speak of it again then how will people in 100 years know we shouldn’t be racist? Also in a school environment it is a good safe place to learn about irony and our history. Huck Finn should be continued to be taught in schools for many generations to come. –Annie Reuther

ACC English 3 said...

Despite the fact that the Huck Finn has cause major controversy throughout schools in America, it should be taught because it talks about a very important time period of our history. Getting rid of this book is beating around the bush and sheltering kids in a way that is not helpful to their learning experience. I think that teachers teach it because it gives a literary view of an important part of our history. -Emily Rosenstein

ACC English 3 said...

I think that schools teach Huck Finn because it is so controversial. Its controversy is, in a way, the reason that it is so popular. Teachers want to discuss the impact that this piece of literature has had on our society. The lessons it teaches students and its importance overall are the reasons Huck Finn is taught in so many schools.

ACC English 3 said...

Huck Finn is a very controversial book. However, I think it is very important to continue teaching it since it was one of the best books in American literature. It teaches the about the harsh times of the good and the bad. I think it is important that we continue to teach this because it is important that we continue to teach the future generations about these bad times because we do not want history to repeat itself. - Michelle Silva

ACC English 3 said...

The comment posted at 10:35 AM was posted by Max Nutter.

ACC English 3 said...

I agree with Max's statement about how the book's controversy is part of the reason it's so popular. Controversy in a book often causes people to remember that book becuase it brings out poeple's opinions and emotiions. The book brings up issues with America's past, something that we should all be informed about so that we don't make the same mistakes as our ancestors. We should learn about the real world in school and that the world is all flowers and sunshine. We have to learn about the ugly side of things to be more prepared to go out in the world.
-Emily Thorn

ACC English 3 said...

I think that the book has a certian history that people like to read about. It shows how people in the time acted toward each other.
- Tim Smith

ACC English 3 said...

It is important we read literature like Huckleberry Finn because it teaches us about our past. Reading Huck Finn is like a history class that teaches us about our past when slavery was legal and how black people were viewed in society, and reading how blacks are treated like property makes us really value the respect we have for each other and for the respect people show us. - Tony Scalise

ACC English 3 said...

Schools continue to fight for the right to teach the material because it has a huge part of history within the pages. Anyone can find controversy within anything. Thats why it is important to filter out the absurd points from the more serious matters. - Kayla Swanson