Monday, February 27, 2012

Libby's question!

What is your opinion of Jim and Huckleberry's relationship?  What about the relationship between Huckleberry and his father?


ACC English 3 said...

The relationship between Huck and Jim is what I see as being a strong relationship or more-so of a friendship. Now that Huck and Jim both ran off in the book, and found each other on an island, they’ve been working together to survive off the land. They acted very close at first, although Huck was thinking about turning Jim in to get money but did in fact change his mind. Pap and Huck have a completely different relationship especially for being father and son. Pap abused his son and used him for money in order to get drunk which is inappropriate behavior for a father.

Kristen Scego

ACC English 3 said...

I think the relationshi between Huck and Jim is a very strong one. Readers see this everytime that Huck gets seperated and reunited with Jim. Jim is very grateful and happy everytime he is with Huck. This might be because Jim relies on Huck to keep him out of slavery and to be prevented from going back into slavery. Huck also likes traveling with Jim since he has someone to talk to. Huck and his fathers relationship is questionable to me. They have what I see to be a love hate relationship. They get along together quite well and are able to do many things together. However when Huck's pap gets drunk he is seen as a totally different person that is seen as distant and mean to Huck.

ACC English 3 said...

Previous comment posted by Michelle Silva

ACC English 3 said...

I find the relationship between Huck and Jim very interesting and heartwarming. During the time, this kind of friendship would have never been possible unless a black and a white were in this strange of a situation. The interaction between these two shows that two people from very different backgrounds could thrive and respect each other during the times of great segregation and racism. The two work together very well and share lots of information that the other would have never known without hearing about the experiences of their partner. The two are good at problem solving and survival, and I think that their bond will only grow as the story progresses.
Nick Scarfino

ACC English 3 said...

BLake Grojean,
I think Huck and Jim have a strong relationship. However, I think that Huck tries to hide it sometimes because he knows that it is not good for a white person to be so close to a black person. Huck despises his father and wnats nothing to do with him, hence the reason he ran away from him.