Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jake Gaal's discussion question

Do you think that removing the n word from the book Huckleberry Finn makes it lose some of it's emotion? Explain.


ACC English 3 said...

I do think that removing the n-word from Huck Finn will make it lose some of its emotion. Racism was such a huge part of history, and using the n-word describes just how bad it was back then. Using it expresses the pain and cruelty that blacks were exposed to, and readers should understand the characters' feelings to better understand the novel as a whole. Using the n-word is offensive, but Mark Twain used it orginally to express the harshness of racism in the mid-1800s. If we take out the n-word, then readers won't take Twain's message seriously. Taking out the n-word wouldn't make Huck Finn nearly as influential as it is with it.
- Emily Melz

ACC English 3 said...

I do think that removing this word makes the book lose some of its emotion. This word shows us how bad the african americans were treated back then. It shows us that they wernt even thought of as regualr humans. Without the word, we wouldnt get the same feel about what was going on and we wouldnt be affected by the book as much.

ACC English 3 said...

last comment by cody gardner