Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kate's Scribe Notes: November 10, 2011

For some strange reason, it was very difficult for everyone to focus. Max seemed angry today. Class started with a lot of talking, and Mrs. Gill went right into prayer… most likely to make us quiet down. I was not aware that I was the scribe until half way through class, so basically all I remember is that Cody read his scribe notes, and then we looked at Anne’s, which was in the form of a secret code. After that, we wrote our journal which was titled, “Veterans.” As soon as “Made in America” by Toby Keith played, people started singing along. Surprisingly, a good amount of people read today. Kayla, Anne, Libby, Will, Abby and Tyler all read their journals. Why do I feel like Marc did too? Maybe not…awkward. Sam made two good “points.”

Mrs. Gill showed us the “How-to’s” about the blog and how to post it ourselves. Scribing is now going alphabetically, hence, I’m scribing first… and you can pass if you feel like you are too busy that night, and you will go at the end. Lots of side conversations were happening today. I heard distant singing from the other side of the room, High School Musical maybe? I looked over and saw head-bobbing from Max and Abby. Strange. From the front of the room, I heard that Libby cannot be trusted... Conflict? Confused. I also did not understand why Kayla had a whale drawn on her hand. She has colorful annotations in her Scarlet Letter book. Anyways, we went over the homework and people asked questions. It somehow turned into a discussion over the vocab words “lurid” and “phantasmagoric” which then evolved into a conversation about frosting and whether or not the coloring makes a difference. Sagacity—Abby thinks that you can hide wisdom. I heard Max yelling at Abby…then Marc…. Mrs. Gill says that there always needs to be that person to “tell it how it is.” The class agrees. Class ended with just enough time to take a vocabulary quiz. Homework is to read The Scarlet Letter.

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