Friday, November 18, 2011

One Very Fun Day in ACC English 11/18/11

We starting class when the speaker came on and Mr. Chio said the morning prayer.  After this Mrs. Gill asked us if she had given our journals back yesterday, and was confused when we all said no,  I look at the stack of journals in the front of the room and start to worry when I don’t see mine up there.  She then told us that she will give them back tomorrow since she left them at home.  Drew then read his scribe notes.  After this Mrs. Gill tried to look for scribe notes from the past that we hadn’t read but she couldn’t find any.  She thought that the Santa scribe notes were Kristen.  I heard Kristen wonder why everyone thinks that she is the Santa Scribe.  Andrew the read his scribe notes from some past day that we all remember as being really funny. 

Mrs. Gill tells us that she thinks we are going to play Pictionary and everyone starts to get a little loud.  Someone asks if we can use our computers so that we know the words, I hear Michael comment something about this being good because there was no way he wasn’t going to remember all of the words.  I overhear Michael and Kelly talking about someone being 10 months pregnant but Kelly corrects him saying that that would be impossible.  The team names for Pictionary are Dirty Mike &the Boys and Team with no Gingerzzz.  Nick claims the prize for winning today was Joe Lawrence’s ID card.   We start the game by Mrs. Gill reading a definition and whoever answered it right got their team to go first, Emily answers it right so Team With no Gingerzzz goes first. Mrs. Gill tells us that we have one minuet to draw the picture.  We are about to actually start the game and Mrs. Gill decides that the person drawing should get to see the definition before they draw.

After this round Mrs. Gill is going to change the time limit that we have to draw the picture, 30 seconds.  Kristin got the first one right for Team with No Gingerzzz.  Blake surprisingly got the first one right for Dirty Mike and the Boys.  Dirty Mike and the Boys found a strategy for the game, by writing a circle for a noun, square for an adj, triangle for a verb. I overhear Team with no Gingerzzz them talking about a strategy to write the number of the word on the board, but I hope they know they can’t write numbers on the board.  The first time Dirty Mike and the Boys try this strategy Nick writes a C in the circle to help us find out that the word was Cadence, I don’t think Mrs. Gill saw because the rules are that you can’t write letters on the board.  Kristen tells her team to make a lot of noise so that Dirty Mike and the Boys can’t think.  Class sadly ends and everyone wishes they could stay a little bit longer instead of going to their next class.

                Vocab quiz tomorrow
                       Finish reading the Scarlett Letter for Monday

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