Monday, November 28, 2011

We started class off with the usual prayer. After that Mrs. Gill collected the extra credit from over Thanksgiving break. We didn't have any scribe notes to read over from last Friday because Mrs. Gill didn't find it necessary to do them. From there, we continued to work on our journal entries, while listening to a song by Eminem. After we finished with our journals, Mrs. Gill passed back our vocab quiz and a Scarlet Letter quiz. Mrs. Gill then began to explain that we will have a college professor visiting to evaluate the class. The class took a vote on when to take the "Scarlet Letter" test. It was decided that we take the test tomorrow. A document was sent out through Dyknow containing topics that should be reviewed concerning the Scarlet Letter. As we finished up with the review, another productive class came to an end.

Homework: Study for the test

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