Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Libby and Kayla's WONDERFUL Scribe Notes from November 16th , 2011

NOVEMBER 16th, 2011

The day began as usual Kayla and Libby walked all the way from Algebra 2, to their favorite class ACC English 3!  On the way to class the two friends were talking about what they would do today, when Libby, being the genius that she is, came up with the idea of scribing together! When they entered Mrs. Gill's classroom of awesomeness, Libby and Kayla ran to Mrs Gill and told her of their scheme. Kayla, being the more cynical one, threatened to cause a ruckus in class if Mrs. Gill did not allow them to be the scribes.  Mrs. Gill argued that someone else had the day….but seriously who gets excited for scribing? And Kayla most likely would not have taken no for an answer. Anyway class began with prayer as usual.  Mrs. Gill, our wonderful teacher, thinks that our fish will freeze.  Kayla says we should fasion a quilt for the fish so they don’t get cold.  Sounds like a good idea right? (see we used irony! Extra points?)  Kayla and Libby tried to confuse Mrs. Gill about what time class started…..However she quickly bounced back from her gullibility.  Mrs. Gill spent a long time helping Carlye gather scribe notes on the blog.  When she finished she accused Libby and Kayla of being trouble makers, even though they are obviously just clever students who know their way around.  Carlye and Lauren then read their scribe notes to the class.  Carlye wrote hers as a letter to Santa claiming that the class was good, which Mrs. Gill claimed was irony.  Lauren wrote hers as a diary entry, which got some of us talking about the fall play Alice inWonderland.   Oh no Abby and Hannah are not here! We think they are skipping.   Mrs Gill explained to us that she doesn’t usually read along with the class. She says she fell asleep while reading and dropped her book, not once, not twice, not three times, but count them four times! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  Kayla accused Libby of being dramatic….which is true. "Next we recieved our Journals back all with wonderful responses form our lovely teacher Mrs. Gill whom says in Kayla's Journal " We miss you when you decided not to come to class", and responded with "I truely salute you" within the pages of Libby's journal.  Then we began vocab words.  One the sentences said something about an apple bacon cheddar cake….GROSS. (google it…NASTY)  The class grew with a loud roar about the faculties loquacity(causing irony).  Mrs Gill and her daughter say this about people who talk too much.  WWTTM! Meaning “women who talks to much”which is funny because none of the teachers the students named were women……ANYWAY.  Mrs Gill wishes that her favorite class (ACC English 3 period 4) would get excited about starting class not leaving it, so being the good students they are, Kayla and Libby have devised a plan….
“So a guy walks into a bar…”                  *****Cool story bro******
-Maddy to Kate “Do you want some?”  ****that’s what she said*****
-Max frantically shakes his head with his hair flowing  *******Maxwell Nutter has the best hairEVER***
-Emily took her shoes off ****dude if I was wearing Birkenstocks id be right there with you*****
-Maddy is fascinated by sticky stuff on her lap top  ***ummmmmmmm say what?!******
-Mrs Gill:  “WHAT THEHECK!”  ***** gesundheit ******
“I AM NOT DRAMATIC!” *****Sure your not libby….******

-That stupid light is stillblinking! GAH  ***) if this light doesnt get fixed I will indeed throw my shoe or libby’s laptop at it….. with force.********

The funny thing is that as we asked mrs. Gill for this Job today,   we could sense the fear upon her and the anticipation in her eyes. But hey who wouldn’t anticipate Libby and Kayla =)
RULE NUMBER ONE MRS GILL_________Teenagers can sense fear  MUAHHAHAHHAA

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