Sunday, May 11, 2014

Jacob's period 6 scribe notes from Friday May 2

Today started interestingly enough, Makenzie ran in trying to hug Jack and almost knocked his tooth out with her water bottle. Jack’s only concern after realizing no blood is pouring out of his mouth is that he will not be able to eat his apple, Makenzie promptly offers to eat it for him, really? You hurt him then steal his food…
“We need a scribe, Jacob?” I almost felt it coming.
“Sure,” everyone shocked at how easy the process was today. Makenzie in the middle of a full class discussion, blurted out “No homework WOOO!” While yesterday’s scribe notes are read about half the class is listening, almost half are using their computer, and then there’s Alex using his phone behind his computer with no notice of G. Taylor awkwardly starts singing at me, I quickly look away for fear of embarrassment. Makenzie admits she touched Scotty McCreery, a card board cut out, am I the only one is slightly creeped out? Adams face= priceless. Carrie shares that she can overextend her ankle scaring half the class and intriguing the rest. Jacquelyn relates Amelia’s scribe notes to William Goldman, Taylor quickly shoots her down.  G is disappointed that many people in her class have failed to read to page 196, what she doesn’t realize is that the weekend is a much more suitable time for reading long novel passages than every weeknight. We are instructed to read and Alex continues to stare at his phone waiting for the Snapchat from the girl of his dreams while Makenzie, Nina, and Carly all use their computers while we are supposed to be reading. I can’t blame Nina though AP phycology takes precedent over everything when you are assigned so much information to study.
            Hmm, yesterday Alex admitted he had only read to page 12 and today he’s at 130, skeptical at the very least. By now most of the class has calmed down and has started reading however Lucy appears to be doing something completely unrelated to English, writing a few lines, staring at her backpack, rinse and repeat. Since everything is now very boring I guess I’ll start to read, but wait history essays are wayyyy more important… What shall I choose? G is probably Dyknowing but history essays look like scribe notes right? Calling Mrs. Gill G is becoming slightly inconvenient because 4/5 times my G button doesn’t work leaving me awkwardly poking at the G button waiting for one to appear on my screen. G sighs out loud and looks at me with a look that I really don’t know how to read, maybe despise? Today is the first day G has not yet called any a dope, a failure, a complainer, a loser, and has not used the words “completely incompetent” today, must be a record. G leaves the room and everyone looks around to see what everyone else is doing. The clicking noise just came from her computer once and then again, I blame the ghost.
            But really bro, who is going to carry 3 people attached to them up a thousand foot rope. After 5 minutes G returns after 4 clicks from the ghost she appears puzzled. G quickly exits again, it amazes me that she would leave us alone in a classroom for this long however Lucy would lecture us if we did anything wrong so I guess she’s safe. G searches through the mysterious file cabinet while Alex quickly puts his book over his phone, it’s strange I have not seen it light up or him use it once, why would it be sitting on your desk do you just have 25 dollars you can give away? If so I’ll gladly take it.
            Who’s this crazy guy following them up the rope? I guess I’ll find out when I actually read this book at work. G is making a lot of noise and upon further investigation she has starbursts, hopefully she leaves the room again soon.
            Heart just sank, look at the clock and it’s only 8:24, good lord, only half over, this day is going to be a long one. Today was a particularly boring day of scribe notes, I mean nothing was really learned as a class just individual reading. G stop looking at me it’s creeping me out. Hoffman walks by, thank God he kept going. Good God Taylor your hair is fine you’ve refixed hair that has already been fixed 3 times now, these scribe notes really are getting boring when the only interesting thing happening is hair. Stupid cliffhangers, Indigo better be important to this story because I’m actually interested to see what happens to buttercup.
            When these people are building a sword it’s like picking out a new car with all of the features it has and all the purposes it serves. Domingo must be bipolar one night he is the happiest man alive and the next he is suicidal always correcting imperfections in his sword.
            G: have you read this book Kory? Kory, well…
“I have found the source of the problem, Amelia she starts all the problems. It is so quiet without Amelia here,” G. Who would have thought? I think the problem is G she says only a few words and the whole class erupts.

            Lucy bickers towards Alex for leaving his book face down and that he’s killing the book. Alex disagrees and Lucy says I’ll crack your spine, typical Alex and Lucy interaction. What? Raggedy Dick? Is that what I just heard come out of G’s mouth? Mrs. Gill if you really don’t want to hate your life do not teach that in high school. Thank God English over, peace out. Oh wait physics is next… I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE ENGLISH!!!

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