Sunday, May 11, 2014

Steve's period 6 scribe notes from Thursday 5-8

Class begins.
My lazy self asks in general, “Can someone do something funny so I have something to write about?”  Kory genuinely does something spontaneous and is kind enough to do something humorous for me.  Sadly, the humorous act was throwing his full cup of popcorn onto my laptop.  Thanks Kory for giving me something to write about, but this was not particularly what I was asking for.  Kory’s only response was “What? I had to think on my feet.”  Thankfully Kory was nice enough to clean the mess.
The movie begins.
The movie is quite confusing if there is any thought put into it.  Within the first five minutes, the movie is already on chapter three in the book. 
Sam Stewart runs into the door and Kory is the only one to get up and let him in.
Buttercup jumps into the water.  The book describes that there are sharks and the three men cannot see her.  In the movie, there are eels that try to eat Buttercup and the three men see her the whole time. 
Within five minutes of Vizzini being on screen, I realize he is the voice of Rex for Toy Story.  I cannot take this movie very seriously when the “intelligent” Vizzini is a simple plastic toy dinosaur.    
By now the “adventurous” sword fighting scene is on and I can’t say I am too impressed by the acting. 
Moments later the “fight” scene against Fezzik is not so impressive either.  The fight ends.
Nevertheless, clumsy Mack turns around and spills Meredith’s water and popcorn all over Meredith.  Of course, Mrs. Gill is not present at the time.  Meredith’s skirt is all wet in the front and her only response after she gets up is, “My food…”  The class continues to watch Mack and Meredith clean the mess and ignores the movie. 
The scene trying to trick Rex, I mean Vizzini is not so impressive either.  Vizzini just stops laughing and falls over quite simply and dies with no struggle. 
And so Buttercup pushes “the man in black” down the hill.  This movie is official quite pathetic in its acting.  “As you wish” was muttered by Westley very poorly and Buttercup comes to the conclusion that it was Westley not a murderer.  She decides to jump and tumble down quite pitifully.  Mrs. Gill laughs quite loudly which makes everyone seem to laugh even harder.
Kory notes the greatness of Westley’s mustache.
Adam now has his head downright after Mrs. Gill exits the room.  He wakes up and realizes that I am looking at him and mumbles something because he is well aware I took note of him.
Buttercup is now swallowed by a sand pit and moments later, Westley comes out with her alive, quite poor acting again.
Westley is attacked by a poorly created “rat” and horribly gets rid of it.  The rat somehow combusted into flames and Westley stabs it.

Class comes to a close at this point and now is the notorious time for the scribe to say    “FOOD.” yet I see it as the day half way over not just time for food.

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