Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kory gets the last word on scribe notes 5-12-2014

As I strut into English class with my regular swagger, I plop down into my seat
Is plop the right word? Probably not….
Everyone is stressing out about everything that is not English
Physics is the main target
“I am a complete moron. My IQ is about 15. I can’t keep my spit in my mouth.” – Mrs. Gill
Preach it! She speaks nothing but the truth
Mack wants a zip lock bag
Drug deal? Yes.
Mack made another bad joke….
Dear Zeus why…..
She’s making Asian eyes at me now… I’m scared… Images of Hiroshima pop into my head. I am reassured now J
Now Kory’s mind wanders… English is not important because Kory’s head is the place to be.
What is love? Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me. No more.
Commence Night at the Roxbury head bob
Puppies! Tulips! Ice Cream! Dead Bodies!
….. wait…. Wut?....

“That is a hard one! That actually is a hard one!” – Mrs. Gill
Please woman, think before you say things like that!!
Voss needs to stop bouncing his knee before I bounce over there and smack that smirk off his face! OHHHHH PWNED.
Now Lucy had begun the trend!
Is this a cult?!
Am I not in on this?!
Is this a dream?! Is this real life?! What is life?! What is real…? What is what…? Oh the philosophical questions… Call me Socrates

Carly and Niña apparently are twinning (it took me 3 ½ minutes to find the “ñ” in the symbols…)
They are wearing the same shirt
The most impressive thing that came out of this situation is that Microsoft Word accepted “twinning” as a word
Thank you almighty Microsoft Word
Ahhhh-ohhh-ahhh-wahhhhhh (Gregorian Chant in praise of Word) (interpret it as you please)
Tobey Maguire is the greatest actor of all time.
Mack’s laugh gets me every time. Classic comedy.
Amelia tells Taylor to stop being tall… Check.
Moment of silence in praise for lemon brownies. Sweet Honey from the Rock! They were GOOD!
I take a moment to witness this ping-pong match of a sass competition between Mack and Taylor
Is there a clear winner? Nay.

Voss, it is kinda hard to look at the board when your hands are over your eyes. Just Saying…
Taking another moment of silence to realize that every time Voss is mentioned in someone’s scribe notes, he is thrown under the bus. LOLZ
Much scribe notes. Very English.
Commence Mack’s giggling.

They call me hell
They call me Stacey
They call me Her
They call me Jane
That’s not my name      
That’s not my name
That’s not my name
That’s not my….. name
The lyrics speak to me.

Class is coming along at a great pace and all we have done is read other people’s scribe notes
Hoo Rah! Go, team, go!
Mrs. Gill departs the classroom
Where does she go…?
No one ever knows?
Probably to feed her prisoners scraps of lemon brownies in the Gill Dungeon
Sounds about right.
Apparently the journals are supposed to be done by tomorrow
Well this is awkward…..
Booty, booty, Call of Duty
Nothing has been accomplished in this class… its awesome!
I honestly have to say that I will miss this English class
Swiggity Swag, Get in my bag
(Will Heideman – Lyrical Genius)

Nine minutes to go then I’m off to physics
Son of a gun…

I actually got called on to answer a question
Wait what??
I’m supposed to do something?
What does technology want…? Oh the questions. Deep.
Mack and I had a stare down
I think I won
Steve and I just had a full conversation just by moving our eyebrows at each other
That is talent

Huh. Mrs. Gill is Mexican… that still blows my mind
I wonder how her Cinco de Mayo was…
(Stereotypical Mariachi band song goes off in Kory’s head)
I bob my head to the sick beat
I can’t wait for the bass to drop
Here is goes….

I make nose noises now
Who knows?
Niña gives me a stare
I make an awful joke
She still laughs

Lucy makes another feminist comment to wrap up the class

The class is ending.
I sit here typing away
Not knowing where to stop….
Jake Green is here
What a cutie
Adios muchachos! Have a good one!
“Iuhunhuh” – Ornal
“What are you doing? Oh your scribe” –Cutie Pie (Andrew Rogers)
“Dude, we put gum inside of Rottman’s folder. Now it’s all sticky” – Anonymous
Lol, the frapist is put it put to justice.

El fin.

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