Monday, September 26, 2011

Kate's Scribe Notes for September 26, 2011

-          Today was the first day of Spirit Week: Salad dressing day; juniors theme was ranch

-          Carlye and Lauren read their scribe notes from last week

-          Sam was happy that he was mentioned a lot

-          We talked about Spirit Week and Kayla claims that the seniors cheat; Mrs. Gill thinks the seniors should win every contest because well, they’re seniors…most students beg to differ.

-          We continued with Act I of The Crucible

-          Sam was ecstatic to read the part of Rev. Hale (insert sarcasm here)

-          Students continued reading their parts while a mysterious pounding on the back wall distracts me and Maddie.

-          Mrs. Gill reads the Latin dialogue for Sam… he applauds her.

-          Mrs. Gill wants Abigail, played by Carlye, to stand up and shout her lines… Carlye isn’t fond of the idea

-          We finished Act I in The Crucible and discussed why Tituba wanted to kill Mr. Parris and the anger she had towards him

-          We also discussed why and how Abigail is towards Parris and how she agrees with him

-          While discussing “why Tituba is the way she is”, we establish that Abby is a mystery and wonder “why Abby is the way she is”

-          We are assigned a reaction paper due tomorrow (today)

-          Mrs. Gill confesses that she forgot her plan book, which is basically her life

-          Because of this, Mrs. Gill forgets what the song for the journal is

-          Journal is called “Injustice”

-          Mrs. Gill takes music suggestions; Joe suggests a banjo song, Sam suggests Freebird, Maddie suggests Dust in the Wind

-          We ended up listening to Mountain Music by Alabama, but we did not have time to share journals

-          Mrs. Gill asks for an accomplished actor… some nominate Max; Marc ends up being selected; Abby is chosen as Abigail… ironic.

-          Kayla and Libby both wanted the part; Kayla accuses Libby of “not being able to handle it” because according to Kayla, she was apparently unsuccessful on Friday.

-          Class ends suddenly… it always seems like we run out of time.

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