Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tyler Price's Scribe Notes for Sept. 2, Period 4

·         Mrs. Gill started class with a prayer, like always

·         She addressed the class that our Journals were going to be handed in on Tuesday

·         Marc interrupted her asking for sticky note

·         She gladly gave him a pink one

·         Journal: Dear Mrs. Gill (reflection on what we have done and our reaction journaling and telling her whatever else we wanted)

·         Song: by Avenged Sevenfold—Dear God

·         Mrs. Gill said no one is going to read their journal today

·         Mrs. Gill started talking about SLU 1818 registration and that we have to have higher than a 3.0 gpa

·         Then she talked about how SLU doesn’t talk to our parents because they don’t exist.

·         Mrs. Gill then put us in our editing groups for our Literacy Memoir

·         Before we got into our editing groups, Mrs. Gill pulled up scribe notes and Abby read her scribe notes

·         Then we talked about Frankie’s “cool superpower”  Mrs. Gill asked if anyone thought Frankie’s power was cool and Max raised his hand in agreement

·         Mrs. Gill corrected Abby’s spelling the word “literacy”

·         Mrs. Gill pulled up the directions for peer editing because she doesn’t like the way people usually edit, which is reading the paper and saying all it is correct.

o   Read the paper

o   Find the strength and weaknesses of the paper

o   Identify errors which she called heinous (which is strikingly bad)

o   Want to ask ourselves if it is a good sentence—Mrs. Gill said  short sentences can be good

·         Read the paper one more time—her code is circle things that you hate and underline the cool words—for our education

·         We are responsible for our editing

·         Then Mrs. Gill dismissed Hannah to fix her problem

·         We all worked on editing each other’s papers

·         Class was dismissed even though Mrs. Gill thought we still had four minutes left (She is still getting used to the schedule)

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