Thursday, September 8, 2011

Max's Scribe Notes Assignment

Max Nutter

Mrs. Laurie Gill

ACC English 3—Period 4


Mrs. Gill’s ACC English 3 class began during period 4 just like any other; although I had left the room to quench my sudden thirst, my sources report that we started off with the usual prayer. Libby was called to display her scribe notes from the previous day which she did so with just the right amount of soft-voiced excitement. Mrs. Gill took a few minutes to point out her concern for the grades she would soon be giving to students based upon their scribing and touched upon the grading process which includes accuracy, creativity and presentation. Much to my dismay, I knew that Emily had set the standard relatively high when it came to creativity because of her commendable scribe notes in the form of in-depth and well-drawn pictures. However, I was not given as much time to worry as I normally would because the class was promptly divided into its various groups to work on their American values projects. I quickly became absorbed in my personal duty as a member of the group whose focus was on the value of equality; while I had regrettably been sick with some sort of God-forsaken stomach ailment, my partners (Marc, Sam and Abby) had appointed me to produce a top-notch PowerPoint. Realizing that it was our final day to focus on these values projects, my group separated the remaining workload into the information each of us still needed to gather as part of our presentation today. I worked vigorously while, at the same time, eavesdropping on a group nearby—composed of Katy, Will, Kristen and Emily—as they expressed their concern to Mrs. Gill about the legitimacy of using Harry Potter in some shape or form as part their values project focused upon pleasure and also discussing Mrs. Gill’s role as a teacher in her students’ lives. I noted the enjoyment I experience whenever I received the chance to play Pokémon, to which Maddie made her jealousy quite evident. In the end, it was a successful work day for Mrs. Gill’s ACC English 3 class during period 4 and this will surely be evident in our presentations today.

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