Monday, January 30, 2012

Abby Primo's discussion question

After reading "A Wagner Matinee", discuss the influence of music in your life.  Does music bring tears to your eyes or is it just a joy to listen to?  Explain.  Does it take you away from the real world for a while like it did for Georgiana?  Why?


ACC English 3 said...
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ACC English 3 said...

I used to think that music was pointless, but I have since grown to greatly appreciate and even depend upon it. Personally, music has a profound impact on my life. Like Georgiana, it can take me away from whatever is going on in my life to a place where things might be simpler, easier, or just different. With music, I don’t have to worry about what is happening right now or what decisions I have to make. Everything just disappears, and all I have to focus on is the song. I tend to connect experiences with different songs so that whenever I hear a specific song, I am reminded of that particular experience, good or bad. It is in this way that music becomes much more than just something to listen to- it becomes an audible container for memories and emotions.
-Katrina Hauser

ACC English 3 said...

I defiantly would really miss music if I was to not be able to listen to it for a period of time. I think music is a good way to block out what’s going around you and just relax. I feel that music allows me to listen to people’s emotions and their thoughts. I think it allows me to relax and be able to disconnect from the world for a little while like it did for Georgiana because when I listen to music it’s like you’re in a different zone. I get made when I can’t listen to music like what our school is doing now because I feel I do better when I listen to music. –Tony Scalise