Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Discussion question Gaal

Why did the minister wear a veil? Was there any good outcome from this?


ACC English 3 said...

The minister wore a veil because he had sins amoung them and he didn't want people to "see" his sins. The good that came from him wearing thi veil was that his sermons became more meaningful and better according to the townspeople. He was buried with his veil still on because it was almost as his own symbol and he wanted it on while he lived, so why take it off when he died?

ACC English 3 said...

Well Jake, the minister wore the veil so that others would not see his secret sin. He wanted to show the clergy that everyone has a secret sin and he was just showing an external sign of his. I have a strange hunch that Hawthorne meant for the secret sin to be adultery, not only because the same thing was in "The Scarlet Letter" but because his fiance left him so quickly and claimed it was only because he was wearing a veil. I feel like the same deal is going on in this story as in "The Scarlet Letter" and his fiance is just trying to blame her breaking off the wedding on his insanity to somewhat save their reputations. Yes, I do believe some good came from wearing the veil because his sermons were more powerful and people listened to him more. He also caused many people to convert because of his intimidation of the veil.
-Matthew Parasch