Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Discussion question: Matthew Parasch

In "A Pair of Silk Stockings", Mrs. Sommers decides to spend the money for herself and not for her children as she initially intended.  Will this affect her decisions in the future for shopping? Will she feel guilt for what she did?


ACC English 3 said...

I believe that Mrs. Sommers will feel guilt about her decision, and that it wil laffect her shopping choices in the future. She felt good about herself at first, but now she has to go home and face the reality of what she did. Whenever she sees her children's old and worn clothes, she'll feel guilty about not buying them new clothes, and whenever she goes shopping now she'll probably be reminded of all the moeny she spent on herself and while wanting to do it again, she'll also feel guilt.
-Emily Thorn

ACC English 3 said...

Anne Donahue
I believe that Mrs. Sommers will regret her decision at first, but come to see that even she needs a break sometimes. She needs to take care of herself as well as her children. I think it will have an effect on her shopping in the future, but for the better. I think she will start to get herself stuff as well as her children things that they need. She won't spend all of the money on herself, but will allow herself something along with the things her children need. For example, if she were to recive another 15 dollars, she would spend it on things the children need, and use a small amount to buy herself something.

ACC English 3 said...

Kate Antor--I think that Mrs. Sommers will definitely feel a little guilty for buying herself nice things instead of for her children. She did need a day for herself, but once she was in the car she did not want to face reality. It would be hard to go back to putting her family first, but I think eventually she will get back into the idea that her family comes first, since it's always been like that for her. Therefore, it probably will not affect her shopping in the future.

ACC English 3 said...

Lauren Corley- I think Mrs. Sommers would feel some guilt in spending all the money she found on herself. I don't think this would affect her future decisions on shopping because first she'll take care of the needs of her family and then use some of the leftover money for something for herself.