Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Will Dacus Discussion Question

Do you think that it is possible that with Ushers disease and having sensitive senses that he could have known that he was burying his sister alive. If he could have why do you think that he might have.


ACC English 3 said...

I do think that Usher knew that he was burying his sister alive. I think this becuase if he knew that she was really dead, then he probably would have held a proper funeral with relatives and friends. I think that he buried her alive becuase he was scared. I think that he was scared of what she was capapble of doing.
- Emily Rosenstein

ACC English 3 said...

I believe that Usher didn’t know he was burying his sister alive. Usher’s disease and keen senses had basically taken over his life. These problems with Usher had changed him physically and mentally. His sister also had problems herself. Usher probably believed that because of his sister’s illness, that she was on her death bed and it was just a matter of time before she would have died. When they found her lying on her bed, she wasn’t awake and when carrying her down to the catacombs, you would think that she would wake up. However, some people are heavy sleepers. If she didn’t awake, they probably thought she was dead.
--Tyler Price

ACC English 3 said...

I think he may have known that he was burying his sister alive. It seemed that she was the physical manifestation of the illness he was suffering from; as she got worse he got worse. I think he tried to handle his illness by helping her as much as he could, but sooner or later this disease consumed him and he couldn't take seeing himself or his sister under such circumstances. He used this as an excuse to bury her, effectively getting her out of his physical life in a timely manner. Only after the fact did he realize that guilt would consume him from what he had done, but even if he regretted his decision he couldn't just exhume her. Then the few people he kept around would know what he had done.
-Zack Mushinski

ACC English 3 said...

Joe Lawrence-I believe that Usher had knowledge that he was burying his sister alive whether or not his disease and sensitive senses helped him realize this. His sister had many phases where she would freeze in seizures because of her disease and it seemed every time she got worse that he in a fact got worse because she was a part of him, so he wanted to end her misery when he could get a chance. Also, not burying her regularly hinted that something was up more than him not want doctors doing research on her. I believe he felt that by burying her he would get rid of the horrible physical problems and misery he was dealing with through his sister.

ACC English 3 said...

I personally would have to think yes, I do think that Usher knew he was burying his sister alive. If Usher had a disease where his senses enhanced he would be able to detect if his sister was completely dead or not. It is odd to think that he didn’t have a funeral or any kind of arrangement for her so that there is somewhat suspicious. I think that reasons for his doing this would be that he was flat out scared of disaster. He was scared what would happen in his life wife her gone so I think he decided to end it before things got too bad. Ironically, it only made things worse. When he buried his sister alive he set himself up for disaster and that is the only thing he was trying to avoid. –Annie Reuther