Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Emiy Rosenstein Question

In the story of "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall", Do you think Granny Weatherall would have been a nicer person to her family and the ones around her if she wasn't left at the alter? Why or why not?


ACC English 3 said...

Jeffrey Seib- I do perosnally believe that Granny Weatherall would have been a much nicer person if she wasn't left at the alter. I do not believe that is a very good excuse, but I stil believe that is the story. People always justify crankyness with having a bad day or a bad experience, but that is a stupid reason in my opinion. People need to be nice to people not responsible for the mishappenings to another. If we all followed that, the world would possibly be a much nicer place. That being said, she still had a very tramatic experience nonetheless.

ACC English 3 said...

I think that she would have been a lot nicer to her family if she was not left at the alter. This was a big impact on her life, and i believe that she still loved George even though she said that she didnt. This was very hard for her and made it harder for her to be nice to others.