Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Andrew Manott's Discussion Question

After reading "Winter Dreams", do you think that Dexter was a fool for trying to go for Judy? After everything that she had put him through, why do you think Dexter continued to pursue Judy?


ACC English 3 said...

A response by Chris Primo on 1-25-12:

At first, when Dexter fell in love with Judy, it didn't seem like a problem that he only wanted to become close to her because she was beautiful, according to him. He even managed to accomplish his winter dreams by being able to become close with her. Once Dexter figured out more about how Judy played around with other guys, then I think that he should have stopped because all he was doing when he tried to see her was hurting himself when he saw her with these other guys. If he had saw her less, then he would have had less regrets when he heard about how bad her life became when he moved. He should have kept himself closer to his engaged wife instead of Judy. It seems like she kind of got what was coming to her, since she always tried to go after one guy and another guy only a week after

ACC English 3 said...

Tim Smith
I think that Dexter should not have continued to go after Judy. I think that after about a few days of watching Judy go around with other guys, Dexter should have stopped going after her. I think Dexter continued to pursue Judy because she was beautiful and he might have found her personality attractive. Some guys, like Dexter, like when a girl plays hard to get.

ACC English 3 said...

Joseph Rogers
I think that Dexter should have not continue to go for Judy. I think that he should have stopped after Judy went out with a couple of guys. I think that Dexter continued to pursue Judy because he thought that she was really pretty and thought that she was going to love him some day. Guys are sometimes blinded by girl because they are beautiful and they don't really know how they act and how they will treat you.

ACC English 3 said...

I do think that Dexter was a fool for pursuing Judy. Given that people generally don't change, it wasn't likely that Judy was going to clean up her ways. Though it did seem that Judy was Dexter's personal goal. If he were to acquire her, he would be satisfied. Judy was that luxury he couldn't have, Dexter didn't like that. The beauty of Judy blinded him into thinking that she was perfect, when in reality she wasn't.

ACC English 3 said...

The previous submission that reads 7:54 AM is Marc St. Amour.

ACC English 3 said...

In my opinion, Judy is just a flirt. She just goes around from guy to guy making them want her and then eventually she just moves on to the next guy. If I was Dexter I think I might have tried to win her heart for a while, but after I saw her hanging around other men I would have said goodbye, unless I saw a change in her attitude. I think Dexter continued to chase Judy because he believed he was truly in love, and when you love something so much it can be hard to get over it.
- Tony Scalise Jr