Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sam Koltun- Discussion Question 1/24

Why do you think that Krebs' father never let him take the car out before? Why do you think that he wanted Krebs to take the car out when he got back?


ACC English 3 said...

Emily Thorn
I think that Krebs' father never let him take the car out before because he wouldn't want Krebs to mess up the car or do something stupid with it. Sometimes men are very possessive about their cars and treat them as their "babies." When Krebs came back from the war, he was older, more mature, and ready for responsibility. Krebs also seemed to have lost motivation to do much, so hs father probably let him use the car due to a combination of these.

ACC English 3 said...

Tim Smith
I think that Kerbs' father always had to have the car ready so that if he had clients he could give them a tour around town if they asked for one. I think the Krebs' father wants him to take the car out now becaus ehe wants Krebs to get a job, meet a nice girl and get out of the house

ACC English 3 said...

The reasons Kerb’s father did not allow him to drive the car was because his father was a real estate agent and could have needed the car at any time to show his clients land. When Kerb’s came home I think his father allowed him to use the car anyways because his father was desperate for his son to make something of himself. The father wanted nothing more than to have his son find a job and to get his life back in order and if it meant allowing him to use the car than he would.

Kristen Scego

ACC English 3 said...

Tyler Price
I think that Krebs’ father never let him take out the car before because the car was mainly used for his father’s job. The client might have asked for something and Krebs’ father would need to use the car for showing the town or whatever he needed. When Krebs got home from the war, his father didn’t want him to sit around and do nothing whit his life. His father probably noticed him watching the girls that walked down the street. He probably wanted Krebs to talk the car to go and get a job, to take a girl out, or to get his life straight.

ACC English 3 said...
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ACC English 3 said...

Kelly O'Brien--I think Krebs' father never let him use the car because his father didn't know when he would need it. A car was necessary for his father's job. Also, I think Krebs' father didnt really trust Krebs to take the car out. However, after the war, I think Krebs' father thought his son had matured more and would be more careful with the car. Another reason would be that his father wanted him to look for a job. Krebs would have a better chance of getting a job if he had a car because he could get to places faster than if he had to walk or take another form of transportation.

ACC English 3 said...

Gina Pedrotty
I believe that Kreb's father never let him take the car out before he went to war because his father believed that he didn't have enough responsibility yet, essentially he couldn't handle it. Also i think that both of Kreb's parents believed that he had no reason for the car because it was not time for him to settle down yet. Before the war, finding a job and wife were not the priorties of a man his age, but now he is becoming older it is time for him to take responsibility and start to form a life of his own outside of his parents.