Monday, January 30, 2012

Kelly O'Brien's Discussion Question

After reading "A Wagner Matinee," do you think Aunt Georgiana regrets leaving Boston for Nebraska. Why or why not?


ACC English 3 said...

Georgiana definitely had a hard life in Nebraska that she probably would have liked to avoid. On the other hand, if a girl loves a guy enough to move away from her easy, urban life, he must have been worth it and made her happy at least at first. As time goes on, I believe her affection for Howard must have dwindled especially since she cries at the thought of having to leave the matinee and return home to him. I believe Georgiana soon regrets leaving her home in Boston to live with Howard in Nebraska.

ACC English 3 said...

I think Georgina deffinately regreted leaving in order to go to nebraska. She created a hard life for herself by leaving and she found no happiness which i think its really sad, She had a great life and gave it up for nothing but hardships.
- Kayla Swanson

ACC English 3 said...

After reading the short story “A Wagner Matinee” I do believe that Aunt Georgiana has some regrets for leaving Boston for Nebraska almost thirty years ago. When Aunt Georgiana comes to town they describe her as looking sad and I believe that it’s because of her being deprived of something she loves, music. When the Aunt went to the opera she was happy and wanted to be there. Also at the end of the story she says to her nephew that she doesn’t want to leave. I believe that it was a sign that she regretted her past and running away from all that she had.
Kristen Scego

ACC English 3 said...

I believe that Aunt Georgiana showed that she regretted leaving Boston for Nebraska multiple times in the story. She quite obviously loved and cherished music, and Nebraska took that away from her. It became quite obvious that she missed the music that Boston provides when she was able to attend the opera and begins crying. Her emotions show that the shield and all of the strength that she built up to compensate for not having music in her life was finally let down and her true emotions were revealed. In this sense, she regretted leaving Boston. However, on the flip side, Nebraska did make her stronger in the sense that she could cope without music and things that she finds comfort in.
-Katrina Hauser

ACC English 3 said...

After reading "A Wagner Matinee", I believe that Aunt Georgiana regrets leaving Boston for Nebraska. At the end she is attending a musical performance where she begins to break down. This would only happen if she truely missed music and regretted moving from Boston to Nebraska. - blake grojean

ACC English 3 said...

Michael Klein
I don’t think that Granny regretted leaving Boston for Nebraska, but she definitely did not like it and would have chosen another option if she had been able. However, her husband insisted on moving away to Nebraska, and because she loved him, she had to go. She did not like leaving her music and her very different life in Boston, but she did it because she had to. I don’t think she regretted the move, because she lived her life with the man she loved, but she definitely would have rather lived with the best of both worlds, with the man she loved and the music she loved.