Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Joe Lawrence's Discussion Question: Leader of the People

Today in our society, Do you think that people appreciate the history and story telling of their elders as Jody does or do you think that people react as Carl does? Explain


ACC English 3 said...

Tyler Price
I believe that there are people in this society that appreciate history and storytelling from their elders or someone that has experience an event that was historical and relevant to them. These people usually enjoy history or find something in history that interests them. Though, there are people in society that don’t like hearing those kinds of stories because they have no interest in the stories or history in general.

ACC English 3 said...

I believe that people may not care about history that is not relevant to their lives, but it is important for people to understand the past so we as society can learn how from it. I think that with our elders telling stories, we like to listen to them because at one point in our lives we have looked up to them so we want to know more about them, but I am sure that people do feel that their grandparents stories are completely pointless to their lives so maybe they do lash out and tell them that their stories are redundant. Me personally I like listen to elders talk about the past because it makes me grateful for what I have today or how much easier my life is.
- Tony Scalise Jr